8 Post-Work Activities To Take Back Your Weekdays

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After a long eight-hour day in the office, finding the energy to take on personal pursuits can be challenging. It’s easy to give in to the desire to collapse onto the sofa and push plans off until the weekend. Before you know it, you may be feeling stuck in a never-ending loop of living only for the weekend, letting your weekdays fade away.

Reclaiming your weekdays doesn’t have to be a daunting task. From clearing your mind to improving productivity, there are several after-work activities that you can implement into your evenings that are budget-friendly, fun, and stress-free!

Why You Should Start Reclaiming The Week

When you save all of your plans and your to-do list for the weekend, there becomes an enormous pressure to make your weekend as packed and productive as possible. With such a hectic weekend schedule, by the time that Sunday comes to a close, you may find yourself feeling just as exhausted as a weeknight and dreading the week ahead. However, by distributing your plans throughout the week, you can bring balance into your work-life routine. It can even help balance your energy levels throughout the week, so that you're less likely to experience weekend burnout.

Easy Activities For After Your 5-To-9

The weekdays belong to you just as much as weekends. Below are eight things that you can do after work to help you reclaim your weekdays.

woman sitting on floor on laptop

Take An Online Course

Do you have a list of subjects that have been piquing your curiosity? Sign up for a class and become an expert in a new area! From introductory web design and negotiating salaries to world literature and foreign languages, there are thousands of free courses available online from websites including Skillshare, Coursera, and even Harvard University. 

Taking time to expand your current skills and explore new subjects can add value to your life, your career, and your relationships. Not only can you choose courses to help you round out and build your resume, but by expanding your hobbies and interests in your life, you can better connect with others who share the same interests as you.

woman painting a picture on easel

Make A Gift For Someone Special

There’s nothing better than a handmade gift that’s been made with love. Whether it’s a birthday, holiday, or just because, head to your local craft store or gather some scrap materials around your home and start creating. 

Paint your pals a picture that makes you think of them. Grab some clay and sculpt a kitschy catch-all dish. Or, head to YouTube and find a fun tutorial to follow! Taking time to do arts and crafts can help you unplug from technology, reduce stress, and increase overall feelings of happiness. Especially when you get to see the smiles—or laughs—spread across the face of your gift recipient

Try This:

woman reading book on couch

Go To Your Local Library

Escape from reality or learn new skills at your local library. There are so many things you can do at your library besides just getting lost in the aisles of books. Libraries not only offer thousands of free books to help you tackle your ever growing to-read pile (without breaking the bank), but they also offer access to different classes to help you continue your education, and programs to promote community engagement. Many libraries also host book clubs for all ages so that you can foster relationships through your love of books—because let’s face it, making friends as an adult can be hard. 

Bonus: When you check out books and attend your local library’s events, you’re also supporting your community!

woman garden with flowers

Try Out A New Hobby

Carving out time in your day to work on something that you love can be a great way to decompress after a long day in the office. Choosing an activity that’s right for you may be a difficult task, but don’t be afraid to try a new hobby (or three). There are several different hobbies you can try, such as painting, baking, needlework, crochet, cooking, or even writing

Having a hobby that you love can help you maintain a balance between your professional life and personal life, so you’re not constantly focusing on your work. And, thanks to fellow artists and hobbyists, you can now easily hop online to find a beginner’s kit that features all of the essential materials and instructions for the hobby of your choice.

Try This:

small embroidery kits

Image: Amazon

Mini Embroidery Kits

Perfect for beginners, learn how to cross stitch with this needlework project.

diamond sunset painting kit

Image: Amazon

Sunrise Diamond Painting Kit

Like a paint-by-numbers, but with small gemstones! Follow the instructions to create your own art piece.

woman putting dishes into dishwasher

Organize Your Spaces

You’ve heard the saying, “A clean kitchen is a happy kitchen.” This applies to your desk, spice cabinets, or makeup drawers, too. When your spaces are cluttered, your mind is cluttered. Find storage essentials that fit your home’s aesthetic to help you get excited about decluttering. Then, take time to organize and upgrade the areas in your home that don’t get as much attention during your typical cleaning routine. Once you’ve finished tidying up your spaces, you’ll instantly feel more refreshed.

woman talking on phone and walking her dog

Move Your Body

After spending over eight hours a day in an office and commuting, your body may be feeling stiff. Before you fall into your cozy nest for the night, move your body for a few minutes. Being active doesn’t have to mean a strenuous workout at the gym. Go outdoors and soak up some sun as you go for a walk, take a bike ride around your neighborhood, or turn on your favorite playlist and have a dance party in your living room. 

Moving your body comes with several benefits. By adding a simple dance break into your day, you can help boost your mood by decreasing anxiety and depression. It can also help to keep your body’s key systems circulating and build healthier bones. 

woman writing in journal on yoga mat

Put Your Mind to Work

Instead of watching your favorite sitcoms on repeat, turn off the television and grab an activity that will put your brain to work. Pick up a book and get lost in new worlds, challenge your friends to a game of Scrabble, or put together a beautiful jigsaw puzzle that can be transformed into a work of art to display in your space. 

Exercising your brain, whether you spend time reading or working on logic puzzles, can help boost your memory and concentration, and support your overall brain health. 

Try This:

friends shopping together

Spend Time With Your Friends & Family

For some, it can be easy to isolate yourself in order to recharge after a day at work. While spending time alone can be a great way to feel refreshed after an over-stimulating day, too much time by yourself can be damaging to both your mental and physical health. Socializing is essential as humans. Not only does it help you get rid of feelings of loneliness, but it can also help your memory and improve your overall happiness.  

Make the most of your lunch breaks and grab a bite to eat with friends or have them over for dinner. Hosting a small get-together doesn’t have to be a huge feast. All you really need is a delicious dish, good conversation, and your friends and family. 

If you constantly find yourself asking if it’s Friday yet, you’re not alone. One-third of the average person's life is spent working, so instead of letting your free time fade away, start embracing the present. Whether you’re strolling through the shelves at the library or trying your hand at something new, it’s time to start celebrating every day of the week. 


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