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10 Items To Never Travel Without From An Experienced Traveler

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Since traveling light is the goal, there are a few hard-and-fast travel necessities that make travel efficient and successful. Your travel gear is an important component to a great experience, but it can be hard to narrow down what should be a part of your travel accessories.

What are some of the travel necessities that experienced travelers never travel without?

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Portable charger

A portable charger comes in handy in so many situations. It has saved me when my phone was dying, when my work laptop needed charging, when I couldn’t find an outlet or my charger couldn’t reach the only available one.

I can sit where I want, when I want; you can charge your devices while you are in transit, and you can choose to be outside and mobile, as opposed to near a wall inside, waiting for your phone or laptop to charge up. Portable chargers make traveling flexible and free!

Image: Amazon

A good book

I never go anywhere without a book. Firstly, you never know when there will be a delay in a flight or train, putting unexpected time on your hands. More than that, reading is a productive and entertaining way to relax in the new environment that you are exploring. Even if you are not actively engaging, reading in either public or private allows you to still be present and soaking in the atmosphere.

It also can give you much needed personal time and a chance to breathe. Traveling well does not necessarily mean cramming your schedule with activities; peaceful mornings or afternoons spent in tranquility with a good book in hand on foreign shores is certainly not a waste of travel time!

Image: Amazon

Self-defense weapon

There are a number of self-defense options to choose from, depending on what you are comfortable with carrying, but the basis is that some form of self-defense is a major travel necessity.

Especially if you are traveling solo, a weapon is highly recommended. I myself carry a pocket knife in my fanny pack while hiking solo and pepper spray in my purse when alone in the city at night; I also have a stun gun, but find it less convenient to carry around.

If you want something less volatile, you can attach a personal alarm to any keychain that creates a high-pitched, attention-ripping sound. There are a ton of concealed self defense products out on the market, especially those designed with females in mind.

Image: Amazon

Two forms of ID

Passport Holder

It is wise to carry two forms of identification on your person while traveling. Your ID could be lost or stolen, and being stuck in a foreign country without a personal ID is a tight spot you don’t want to find yourself in.

Even when I am not traveling internationally, I carry my passport with me, just in case. I also try to have a hard copy of any transportation ticket whenever possible, as well as an electronic copy.

Image: Lululemon

Fanny pack (or money wallet)

Both a fashion piece and all-around life-saver, fanny packs carry all the essentials—keys, phone, wallet—around your waist and eliminate the need for a cumbersome purse or backpack. A money wallet can hide easily beneath your clothing, which is a great choice for European travel, as pickpocketing is common.

Image: Amazon

Water bottle

Wherever I go, my water bottle goes. Hydration is super important while traveling, in order to stay healthy in foreign environments and both active and functional while moving around so much.

You should always make a solid water bottle a travel necessity. 

Image: Amazon

Extra chargers and adapter

Bringing an extra charger and its accompanying cord has come in handy in many situations. Even more important is having an adapter on hand when traveling internationally; they are simple, small, inexpensive, but important to possess!

Image: Amazon

A journal

A journal is one of the top travel necessities in my book. It is a great way to decompress, reflect on the new experiences you are having, take time away from being on the go, and record exciting new memories. Like reading, journaling is a great way to pass the time during transit, flights, or waiting times.

But even more importantly, journaling is a valuable opportunity for self-reflection when going through change and novelty in life; journaling is piecing together the meaning behind the experiences you are having, as opposed to merely checking things off your travel to-do list. Every traveler should have a journal—you can sketch, jot down ideas, tape souvenirs/tickets.

When in Europe, I kept track of all sites I visited in each city and country, and could reference these lists when others asked for travel tips to certain areas, and also use these lists to use for my own future travel. 

Image: Nordstrom

Quality walking shoes

The proper shoes for the proper occasion is a must-have travel item. Depending on where you are traveling to and what activities you have planned for that location, your choice of shoes will vary.

What will not vary is the importance of having great, comfortable shoes that will allow you to do everything you have planned! When picking out shoes for your travels, choose comfort and foot protection over fashion.

Image: Amazon

Road Atlas

Specifically with car travel and road tripping in mind, a road atlas is a valuable asset to have as a teammate in your vehicle.

Having a hard copy of a map acts as a failsafe when electronics fail, die, or go off-line, and also provide an opportunity to distance yourself from electronics—which is a worthwhile goal to have while traveling!

Other bucket list items for an avid traveler

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