30 Minute Mini Band Exercises for Arms + Upper Body

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While dumbbells often get all the credit for helping to build strong, lean muscle in the arms and shoulders, the mini band is a compact piece of gym equipment that is portable and easy to store for those with limited space. Known as a mini band, mini loop band, or resistance loop band, whatever you call it, this piece of at-home workout equipment is a must-have in your home gym. This workout combines some of our favorite tricep, bicep, and shoulder exercises into one seriously killer resistance band arm workout.

Think you can’t get a good burn with just a loop band? Think again! We’ll be working those muscles to fatigue to help tone and grow stronger in the process. The resistance of the mini band is unique in that it challenges you through the entire range of motion to maintain tension and prevent breakdown.

Don’t have a mini band at home?

These mini loop band exercises can be done just as easily with a set of dumbbells if you don’t have a resistance band handy. Just keep in mind that the mini band provides resistance throughout the entire movement, so don’t drop those dumbbells when your arms get tired!

Short on Time?

We always give you an option to make this workout into a shorter, 15-minute option by only performing one set of the resistance band exercises for a no-repeat workout that is both quick and effective.

See our full workout series here.

Equipment Used In This Workout: Mini Band Set

Watch the video:

At Home Mini Resistance Band Arm Workout


5-10 Minute warmup + cool down of your choice.


To fully work the muscles of the upper body with the resistance band, make sure to maintain a tension that allows you to work through the full range of motion. Avoid letting the band “snap” you back to the starting position.

Increase the difficulty!

Many mini loop bands come in a variety pack that have different strengths of bands. As you grow stronger, increase the strength of the mini band to challenge yourself further.

Need a modification?

If you feel your muscles burning, focus on your breath during the exercise, taking long, slow and deep breaths. However, if the resistance on the band is too much, you will not do the exercise correctly and risk injury. Do the workout without the band entirely or use a light band to increase the movement.

Mini Loop Band Exercise list

Perform 15 reps of each exercise. Complete each round 2 times before moving on. Rest 1 minute between rounds.

Round 1 - Biceps:

Full Range Curls

How-to: Start with the mini band around both hands, palms facing into the body. Holding one hand at your chest, pull against the mini band, extending your arm fully. Slowly raise the arm back to the chest and repeat all reps on the same side before switching.

Form tip: Avoid letting the mini band snap back to the starting position by controlling the tension.

Half Up/Half Down Curls

How-to: Start in the same position as the previous exercise. Extend one arm fully. As you lift the arm, only come half way up, making sure to not let your arm come higher than 90 degrees. Perform all reps before bringing the arm back to the the chest. Reverse the exercise by lowering the arm to 90 degrees and raising back up. Switch sides.

Form tip: Engage the core as you extend to prevent the back from arching. Control the tension in the band and don’t allow the arms to swing.

Isometric Presses

How-to: Place the band around the palms, bringing the arms to 90 degrees, with the elbows pinned to the sides. Press against the band in small movements, focused on squeezing the elbows into the chest.

Form tip: The range of motion of this exercise is very small so do not worry if your arms do not open up fully. To keep the engagement in the bicep (and not the shoulders), squeeze the arms against the side and press both arms away against the band.

Tension Curls

How-to: Start in the same position as the last exercise. Pressing into the band to keep tension, lift and lower the arms, fully curling and extending through the entire range of motion.

Form tip: It can be easy to swing through this movement. Control the tempo by slowly lowering down and curling the arms, while maintaining the outward press.

Round 2 - Triceps:

Overhead Tricep Extensions

How-to: Wrap the mini band around your palms and place your hands behind your head, elbows close to the ears, pointed upwards. Without letting the elbows flare open, extend one arm directly upwards to fully lengthen. Slowly lower down. Perform all reps on the same side before switching.

Form tip: Focus on range of motion. If the band is too strong to allow you to fully extend your arm, switch to a lighter band.

Single Arm Kickbacks

How-to: With your feet directly underneath your hips, hinge at the waist, with a slight bend in your knees. Holding the mind band in both hands, bring both hands to your chest. Extend one arm long behind you, pinkie to the ceiling. Slowly lower down and back to the starting position. Perform all reps on the same side before switching.

Form tip: Avoid letting the mini band snap you back to the starting position. Control the resistance through the entire movement, keeping your elbow close to your body and not flaring out to the side. To prevent arching in the back, engage the core, squeezing through the abdominals.

Double Arm Tricep Kickbacks

How-to: In the same hinged position, bring the arms behind you, mini band around the hands, palms to the sky. Slightly bend both elbows, keeping the tension in the band by pressing outward. Lengthen the arms by fully extending and slowly lower back.

Form tip: Keep the movement small here. Avoid rounding through the back as you press by engaging the core and sending the pelvis forward.

Tricep Squeezes

How-to: In the same position as before, turn the palms to face each other. Slowly press against the band keeping the arms long behind you.

Form tip: Keep the movement small here. Avoid rounding through the back as you press by engaging the core and sending the pelvis forward.

Round 3 - Shoulders:

Shoulder Presses

How-to: Start with arms bent at your chest, elbows at 90 degrees, palms facing together, mini band around your palms. Press up, keeping the tension in the mini band as you extend the arms overhead.

Form tip: Avoid arching the back as you press upwards, squeezing the core and the glutes to remain stable.

Single Arm Lateral Raise

How-to: Start with the band in both hands. Extend one arm long at your side, palm facing inward, keeping the opposite hand held against your chest. Lift your arm to the side, until it is parallel with the ground, palm facing down. Slowly lower down.

Form tip: Full range of motion is important here. If your mini band is too strong to allow you to lift the arm fully, switch to a lighter band.

Single Arm Forward Raise

How-to: In the same position as the previous exercise, bring the extended arm in front of your body, palm facing inwards. Lift the arm in front of you, palm facing down, until it is parallel with the floor. Slowly lower down.

Form tip: Full range of motion is important here. If your mini band is too strong to allow you to lift the arm fully, switch to a lighter band.

Single Arm Chest Opener

How-to: Start in the same position as the shoulder press, palms facing together, arms lifted. Without moving the opposite arm, open the shoulder to the side, keeping the 90 degree bend at the elbow. Slowly bring the arm back to center and switch to the opposite side.

Form tip: Don’t let the band pull your opposite arm as you open through the shoulder. Fight the tension in the band to keep the arm still and don’t drop the arms!


How-to: Extend both arms in front of you at a 45 degree angle, band looped around your palms, palms facing down. Without dropping or bending the opposite arm, rotate the palm and pull the elbow to your side for a row position. As you release, rotate the palm back to face the ground.

Form tip: Keep the opposite arm straight and the movement controlled. Don’t let the band snap you back to the starting position.

Ashley Rollins

Founder, Editor in Chief

Black coffee drinker. Crossword puzzle enthusiast. Anonymous short story writer. Cat whisperer. A lover of thrifted vintage finds, you’ll most often find her lost in an antique shop in a tiny town on the Oregon coast when not cozied up at home in Portland.

Ashley Rollins

Black coffee drinker. Crossword puzzle enthusiast. Anonymous short story writer. Cat whisperer. A lover of thrifted vintage finds, you’ll most often find her lost in an antique shop in a tiny town on the Oregon coast when not cozied up at home in Portland.


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