15 Minute Back, Butt + Abs Workout for Beginners (Equipment-Free!)

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Looking for a quick and effective back and abs workout for beginners that is also equipment free? This is not your basic ab workout routine! We’re focused on some of the best ab exercises to help you strengthen all of the muscles in the abdominals as well as the lower back! The result? Ab exercises that really work!

Why Should You Work the Back, Abs and Butt Together?

Unfortunately, many beginner gym-goers focus on what are commonly referred to as “vanity muscles.” These are the muscles of the chest, arms, and, of course, the abs and core. However, what many might not realize is that not only can advanced core workouts be inefficient when performed repeatedly, but they could be doing damage to your lower back and posture.

Lower Cross Syndrome (LCS), also known Pelvic Cross Syndrome (PCS), is the result of a combination of muscle tightness and muscle weakness. This creates an X-shape across the pelvic region, with each muscle working in opposition to the other. Prolonged sitting, such as at an office desk, can be one of the most common causes.

Most commonly, LCS is seen in individuals with tight hip flexors and overworked muscles in the abdominals, as well as tight muscles of the lower back and overworked glutes. This imbalance causes the lower back to arch and cause lower back and hip pain.

While it is important to make sure that you are stretching the tight muscles (as additional exercises can cause additional tightness), a comprehensive exercise routine to combat LCS includes strengthening the muscles on both sides of the body.

Should You Do A Back and Abs Workout On The same day?

Abs-olutely! Just as you work the opposing muscles of the biceps and triceps, you can work the muscles of the abs and back. In fact, these two muscle groups comprise the majority of the core. Focusing on stabilization exercises will not only strengthen the muscles, but also help you focus on activation and proper breathing.

In need of a daily stretch routine? Try this 15-Minute Daily Stretch, perfect for beginners.

See our full workout series here.

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15 Minute Back, Butt + Abs Workout for Beginner (Equipment-Free!)

15 Minute Back, Butt & Abs workout.jpg


5-10 Minute warmup + cooldown of your choice.


The goal of this workout is to strengthen the muscles most often affected by Lower Cross Syndrome. Therefore, it is important to focus on maintaining engagement throughout your entire core and focus on controlled, deep breathing.

Need a modification?

Not yet strong enough to work through 15 reps of each exercise? Aim to complete 10 quality repetitions of each exercise until you grow stronger.

15 Minute Back, Butt + Abs Workout For Beginner (Equipment-Free!)

Perform 15 reps of each exercise. Complete each round 2 times before moving on. Rest 1 minute between rounds.

Round 1 - Glutes:

Glute bridge

How-to: Start on your back, hands at your sides, feet pressed into the mat. Squeeze through the core to lift the hips from the mat. Slowly lower down.

Form tip: Prevent arching through the back by squeezing the glutes and pressing the pelvis forward as you lift the hips.

Bear Plank Lifts

How-to: Start in a quadruped position, hips stacked directly over knees and shoulders over wrists. Lift the knees off the mat as you extend one leg long. Bring the leg back to meet the opposite knee and slowly lower down. Perform all reps on the same side or switch to the opposite leg after 30 seconds.

Form tip: Squeeze the glutes to engage the core throughout this entire exercise. Keep the shoulders stacked directly over the wrists to prevent any arching or rocking through the hips.

Modification: Keep the opposite knee down through the entire movement.

Frog Leg Presses

How-to: On your stomach, hands underneath your chin, open your hips, bringing your knees to the edges of your mat, heels together. Flex the feet and press the soles up towards the ceiling.

Form tip: Squeeze the glutes at the top and work to keep the hips as open as possible. Hold for a moment at the top to keep the engagement.

Alternating Leg Lift Cross

How-to: In a quadruped position, extend one leg long. Lift the leg up so that it is parallel with the rest of the body. Cross the leg over the opposite bent knee, tapping the toe to the mat. Slowly lift back up so that the leg is long and tap the toe to the mat, leg in line with the body. Perform all reps on the same side before switching.

Form tip: Engage the abs and squeeze the glutes to prevent arching through the back. Keep the weight in the hands and square off the chest to the mat to avoid any twist.

Round 2 - Abs:

Reverse Plank Bridge

How-to: Start in a seated position, feet on the mat in front of you, knees bent. Place your hands behind you, in line with your hips, fingers turned towards your body. Pressing up with the hips, bring your body into one line and hold before lowering down.

Form tip: Press through the hips, not through the hands or feet as you lift the hips. Squeeze the glutes at the top for activation.

Dead Bugs

How-to: On your back, bend your knees to stack your knees directly over your hips, arms raised to stack directly over your chest. Engaging the core, extend the opposite arm and leg long, finding your lowest point. Return to center and alternate to the other side.

Form tip: Core engagement is crucial here. Press your lower back into the mat and maintain that hold as you lower the arms and legs. If you cannot keep your back from arching from the mat, do not go any lower than you can maintain control.

Leg Lowers

How-to: On your back, extend your arms to either side of your body, palms pressed into the mat. Extend the legs at a 45 degree angle, keeping the legs pressed together. Slowly lower until you find your lowest point and lift the legs.

Form tip: Find your lowest point by maintaining ab engagement. Only go as low as you can raise back up with losing the connection with the mat. It is okay if this movement is very small.

Slow Plank Walk Ups

How-to: Start in a pushup position. Slowly lower down to a forearm plank, being careful to avoiding rocking through the hips. Press back up into a pushup position, continuing to alternate.

Form tip: Keep the movement slow here. Squeeze the glutes and the core to keep the body in one line as you walk from the hands to the forearms.

Modification: Drop to one or both knees for added stability.

Leg Press aways

How-to: On your back, hands at your sides, pressed into the mat, knees bent, stacked directly over hips. Flex the feet and press the legs out and away from the body, finding your lowest point.

Form tip: Make sure that as you extend the legs you are focused on pressing away from the body. As with all the previous abdominal stabilization exercises, make sure to engage the entire core by maintaining the lower back connection with the floor.

Round 3 - Back:

Super mans

How-to: On your stomach, extend your arms and legs long. On your next exhale, lift the chest and the legs from the mat to your highest point. Hold, before slowly lowering down.

Form tip: Pull your chest and legs up with your lower back, working to increase the range of motion over time. Hold the movement at the top, squeezing through the lower back as you lift.

Cactus Arm Twists

How-to: In the same position as before, bring your arms to either side of your body, elbows bent at 90 degrees. Lift the chest and legs from the mat and hold at the top. Alternate tapping each elbow to the mat, while keeping the chest and shoulders lift. Lower down at the end of the exercises.

Form tip: Make each elbow tap intentional and avoid swinging or rocking from side to side.

Modification: Lower the legs and only lift the chest as you tap.

Bird Dogs

How-to: In the quadruped position, hips stacked over knees, shoulders over wrists, extend opposite arm and leg long. Slow bring back to center and perform all reps on the same side before switching.

Form tip: Avoid arching or rounding through the back by squeezing the glutes and pressing the pelvis forward to maintain core engagement.

Plank Shoulder Taps

How-to: Start in a pushup position. Without rocking, tap the opposite hand to the opposite shoulder. Alternate hands for the duration of the exercise.

Form tip: Keep the plank still by tilting the pelvis forward and squeezing the glutes and core.

Modification: Drop to the knees for added balance or widen the feet to create a wider stance.

Ashley Rollins

Black coffee drinker. Crossword puzzle enthusiast. Anonymous short story writer. Cat whisperer. A lover of thrifted vintage finds, you’ll most often find her lost in an antique shop in a tiny town on the Oregon coast when not cozied up at home in Portland.


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