40 Daily Morning Mantras For Self Care


A critical part of a healthy wellness routine is not just performing the self-care rituals or creating a nightly sleep hygiene routine, but visualizing your goals and being your biggest advocate in achieving these dreams. One way to start your day with empowerment is to create a list of positive mantras to tell yourself. These morning mantras could focus on self-love, removing anxiety, happiness, or success. The list of positive affirmations is completely endless!

hand opening up a handwritten journal

What is a mantra?

The word Mantra comes from Sanskrit meaning a “sacred message or text, charm, spell, counsel.” The use of mantras has been practiced in Hinduism and Buddhism for centuries as it was considered to hold a spiritual efficacy.

Simply put, a mantra is a short positive saying or affirmation. A mantra is a powerful statement that you can repeat to yourself each day—out loud or internally—to remind yourself of your power, strength, or commitment. Examples of daily mantras could be reminding yourself in a stressful situation that everything will be okay. Long distance runners often use mantras late in the race as a reminder to keep pushing even when they are getting tired.

A mantra will look different for each person. It’s important to remember that your mantra is deeply personal to you and to treat it as your own daily meditation practice.

How can you choose a mantra?

Choosing a daily morning mantra for yourself is an exercise in powerful positive thinking. Scroll through the list of positive affirmations below and select one mantra to tell yourself that resonates most with you. Try leaving your mantra in locations where you can frequently see it—such as on a Post-It note on your mirror, computer, or refrigerator—as a reminder. Allow these sentences to help you get through each day and alleviate stressful situations.

How Can I Make My Mantra More Powerful?

Don’t just simply choose a mantra—really begin to incorporate it into your daily life.

Try this: Each morning or evening schedule a time to journal with your mantra. Could you write about how you will incorporate your mantra into the day? If you are journaling in the evening, write about how your mantra best served you that day or a way in which your mantra helped center you during a stressful situation. Adding this gratitude journaling exercise into your daily wellness routine can be a powerful way to both honor your feelings and create a positive self-care outlet.

40 Daily Morning Mantras

1. I’m getting stronger every day

2. I know my worth

3. I have the courage to say “no”

4. I will say “yes” to myself today

5. I use failure as a stepping stone

6. I find value in being myself

7. You owe it to yourself to let go

8. I will be fearless today

9. I will learn something new today

10. When I radiate good energy, good things will come

11. I am focused and ready for the day

12. I accept myself as I am

13. I will take things one step at a time

14. I will not entertain what does not serve me

15. I will succeed

16. I am enough

17. My well-being is my top priority

18. I have the power to change today

19. I can make a difference in the world

20. I have the power to let go of the negative

21. I matter

22. I will not look back, only forward

23. I believe in the person I am becoming

24. It is okay to be still

25. My sensitivity is my strength

26. I change my life when I change my thinking

27. I can do anything but not everything

28. I choose calm over anxiety

29. I will make my dreams happen

30. I will make time for my passions

31. I will choose to see the good in each day

32. I am proud of myself and what I have accomplished

33. I will not focus on what I cannot control

34. I appreciate my body for its strength

35. I am grateful for this day

36. I can create healthy boundaries for myself

37. My voice is valuable and my opinion matters

38. I am creating a life I love

39. The past holds no power over me

40. I will exhale all that weighs me down

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21 Day Self Reflection Journal

A perfect complement to any morning routine. Avoid picking up your phone and swiping and, instead, reach for this journal and spend the first 30 minutes of your day looking inward and starting the day, rested, composed, and grateful.

Ashley Rollins

Founder, Editor in Chief

Black coffee drinker. Crossword puzzle enthusiast. Anonymous short story writer. Cat whisperer. A lover of thrifted vintage finds, you’ll most often find her lost in an antique shop in a tiny town on the Oregon coast when not cozied up at home in Portland.

Ashley Rollins

Black coffee drinker. Crossword puzzle enthusiast. Anonymous short story writer. Cat whisperer. A lover of thrifted vintage finds, you’ll most often find her lost in an antique shop in a tiny town on the Oregon coast when not cozied up at home in Portland.


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