12 Journaling Prompts For When You’re Feeling Down
Journaling can be a lifesaver. It’s a pen pal, a reliable comfort, a listening ear, a confidante, and a place to vent and scream. If you’re not in the right headspace, taking pen to paper can relieve a ton of internal pressure and unease.
Journaling can easily develop into a great habit, if you find that this creative and personal outlet is one that works for you. There are a ton of benefits—mental organization, emotional outlet, memory-keeper, a safe space to talk about anything on your mind—just to name a few. It can help develop positive thinking over time and identify triggers that bring out your insecurities, anger, or depression. It helps you to better know yourself!
If you are looking for things to write about when you’re feeling down or for some gratitude journal prompts, below are listed just a few journaling ideas to take or expand on. Hopefully they inspire some introspective thinking and writing and help expel any frustration or pent-up feelings.
You don’t have any room in your brain for negative thoughts, so scribble them into your journal, close the cover, and go about your day with a refreshed mindset!
12 Journal Prompts For When You’re Feeling Down
Prompt #1: Write about three things in your life you are grateful for.
A classic cliche maybe, but it forces you to be positive! It helps you think about the really good things in your life in the present moment, and writing about the things and the people that you love can only put you in a better mood.
Prompt #2: What is a part of yourself you would like to work on?
Maybe there is something—a habit or tendency—that you have been trying to work on, for the purposes of personal development. Take a moment to reflect on something you aren’t entirely happy or satisfied with and how you could go about changing that.
Prompt #3: Write about one of your greatest accomplishments.
Take a look back on all that you have achieved over the course of your life and single out something that you are really proud of yourself for. You should celebrate all that you’ve done, and you should celebrate you!
21 Day Self Reflection Journal
A perfect complement to any morning routine. Avoid picking up your phone and swiping and, instead, reach for this journal and spend the first 30 minutes of your day looking inward and starting the day, rested, composed, and grateful.
Prompt #4: Write about an important person in your life and how they have impacted you.
Thinking about a loved one and the powerful impact they have had on your life and happiness will have you thinking about how loved you are, which always lifts the spirits!
Prompt #5: What is your favorite thing about yourself?
If you used the prompt about something you want to work on about yourself, now do the opposite! What is something about you that you wouldn’t change for anyone, something you feel is one of the best things about you?
Prompt #6: What are some small changes you could make in your daily life to make it more positive?
Make a list of small factors you have control over in your daily routine that could be altered to maximize your positivity and happiness.
Prompt #7: What inspires you to be a better person?
What motivates you to work on yourself? There must be a good reason why you want to better yourself and work towards a better you.
Prompt #8: Have an emotional vomit.
Without stopping, write down everything that is bothering you, every little and big thing on your mind. Keep going until all your concerns and negative thoughts are purged and gone, vomited onto the page. Suddenly, things don’t seem so bad! Your mind will feel strangely light.
Prompt #9: What have you been taking for granted?
Take a hard look at all you have to be grateful for, and you’ll realize you haven’t expressed gratitude for a few things/people in a while.
Prompt # 10: What do you want tomorrow to be like?
And more importantly, what specific things are you going to do to ensure that you make it happen? You are in the driver's seat, so prepare yourself to seize the day by thinking of things that you can do to make tomorrow the best it can be. What about today would you change and what are you going to do about it?
Prompt # 11: What did you love to do in your childhood?
What did you love to do as a kid? Reminisce about your carefree and innocent days, and the activities that you threw yourself into as a child. How did that carry into your adult pastimes and life?
Prompt #12: Write about something nice someone did for you.
Write about a touching moment where you really felt loved or validated by a kindness or favor.
We hope these journaling ideas both boosts your mood and inspires some great introspection on your current station in life. Journaling can bring stability and reflection to your life in an easy and natural way, so we recommend adding it your daily, or weekly, routine if you are seeking an outlet. Remember, stay positive!
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