Read The Latest From Swift Wellness
5 Simple Ways To Say 'No' (And Really Mean It!)
Saying no is one of the hardest things for women to do, but feeling pressured to say yes can affect our mental health in negative ways.
8 Activities To Break Your Phone Addiction
it is your choice to stop picking up your phone and start doing more activities that break your phone addition and get you out into the real world.
5 Tips To Stop Being A Perfectionist
Struggle with being perfect and every detail? We’re sharing ways to beat perfectionism by defeating the inner voice that tells you you’re not good enough.
Mindfulness & Meditation: Tools in my OCD Recovery Toolbox
While chanting an affirmation can be facets of meditation and mindfulness, it’s also a skill that is majorly helpful with helping those with OCD.
7 Ways To Stop People Pleasing & Set Healthy Boundaries
If any of these signs sound familiar, chances are you’re a people pleaser. We’re sharing 7 powerful ways to stop being a people pleaser (but still be nice)!
Why A Social Media Break Might Be The Best Thing You Do In 2023
We all need a break from the endless scrolling, liking, and subscribing on appp. If it is effecting your mental health, it's time for a social media detox.
8 Tricks To Get Inspired When You're Lacking Motivation
Taking the first step is the hardest—whether it's writing an introduction or the first brush stroke. Do you struggle with finding inspiration to get motivated?
5 Signs It's Time To Break Up With Your Therapist + Find A New One
If you’re not quite sure if you need to break up with your therapist, here's what to consider when knowing if it’s time to move on and find a new one.
8 Tips For Staying Productive During The Holiday Season
Productivity manifests in many forms and can be an essential tool to feeling content and happy, especially during a busy and stressful holiday season.
I'm Ditching Manifestation—Here's Why You Should, Too
We’ve all heard “The universe will return to you what you put into it” sentiment, but did you know that manifesting can be bad for your mental health?
Could Living Alone Do More Harm Than Good For Your Mental Health?
A lot of young adults dream of living alone; having your own apartment can be a status symbol. It can show that you’re independent, financially responsible, and that you’re officially an adult. Yet with rent prices at an all-time high as of Summer 2022, many are starting to wonder if living alone is even worth it.
14 Best Wellness Apps To Download In 2023
If you find yourself grabbing your phone often but are trying to minimize your Instagram screen time (I know I am), download one of these apps to inspire you to build a wellness routine specifically for you.
12 Happiness Hacks to Instantly Boost Your Mood
Feeling down or in need of a quick mood booster? If you’re feeling in a wellness slump, try incorporateing any of these simple exercises into your day routine.
Practicing Embodiment Is Changing My Mental Health + Can Change Yours, Too
Yearning to come back into our bodies holistically–be embodied–may just be the tool we all need for a less stressful, more connected, and grounded life.
The Unexpected Way Out Of Anxiety
Stress and anxiety can paralyze us and create mental health barriers. By identifying what causes our anxiety, we can begin to navigate our way through stress and work on our mental health and wellness.
6 Things to Try When You're Feeling Behind in Life
So let me reiterate when you are feeling behind in life: You are not behind . You are on your own journey. There truly is no timeline to these things; no train you might have missed.
The ‘Me Time’ Struggle: 7 Solutions for Women
Work, kids, family and relationships all demand a lot of time and energy from today’s modern woman. However, it is necessary to create time for yourself amidst all the chaos with these 7 tips.
How To Deal With Being Overwhelmed
While we can’t completely eliminate stress and anxiety from our daily lives, we can take positive steps towards working on our mind/body connection and focusing on ways to reduce feeling overwhelmed.
Simone Biles Teaches Us To Advocate For Our Body, Mind, and Well Being
Simone is showing us how to be an advocate, and that we deserve to protect ourselves no matter what “expectations” may be put on us . She pushes us all to reconsider those expectations in a way that leads with empathy, compassion, and admiration.
4 Ways to Beat the Summer Slump
Ever heard of the summer slump? During the summer, our routines change and we find ourselves with extra free time. Here’s our tips for how to utilize this time and make the most of your summer mental health.