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Minimize Your Life: 5 Ways To Live More Freely
Minimalism is more than just getting rid of unnecessary possessions; it liberates you from superfluous burdens and influences.
12 Ways To Look Ahead + Leave Last Year In The Rear View Mirror
For many people, the beginning of a new year means a clean slate, so how can we start it with a clear mind? How can we feel ready to embark on this new year?
The 5 Boundaries You Can Set For Yourself During The Holidays
Creating a holiday season that is nourishing and emotionally fulfilling means we have to have clear boundaries with ourselves and the people in our lives.
4 Tips To Maintain Your Routine During A Busy Holiday Season
During the holidays, life is hectic and busy so it can be hard to keep your normal schedule. These are easy tips to keep your routine during the holidays.
Holiday Stress Can Be A Monster—Here’s How We’re Fighting Back
The holiday season can be full of stress and anxiety for many. We’re giving you five tips to help you manage your self care and mental health this season.
How Houseplants Can Benefit Your Mental Health
With the colder months arriving and spending more time indoors, consider bringing houseplants into your home to improve your mental health and well-being.
These 7 Habits Might Be Wrecking Your Mental Health (And What To Do About It!)
Working out is great for your health, but did you know that working out too often can actually have the opposite effect on your health?
When Does “Good Vibes Only” Become Toxic Positivity?
Backlash against the trendy phrase “Good Vibes Only!” is there. Is the phrase only a lighthearted saying or does it have a problematic touch to it?
Are You Constantly Emotionally Drained? It Could Be Burnout
Being emotionally drained, in combination with mental fatigue, a syndrome known as burnout is created. When does working hard turn into working too much?
Try These 9 Tips To Create A More Mindful Routine For Online Therapy
When it comes to teletherapy, it can be helpful to have routines so that we can be the most present in our sessions and take time for care after, too.
Struggling With Imposter Syndrome? 7 Tips To Overcoming Your Insecurities
When someone is plagued by insecurities, it becomes harder to chase those “impossible” dreams and makes overcoming imposter syndrome a battle.
Hate Mondays? These 6 Ideas Can Help You Fight The Sunday Scaries
You don’t have to dread Mondays. In fact, make Monday your favorite day of the week. These productivity hacks will help you start Mondays off right this week.
I Started Channeling Main Character Energy And It Changed My Life
Main character energy describes those who exude self-confidence, authenticity, and a strong sense of self as if they’re the protagonist of their own novel.
Can't Afford Therapy? These Resources Can Help Your Mental Health
Here's the reassuring truth: there are different avenues and resources available for those who find themselves unable to afford traditional therapy.
5 Ways You Can Prioritize Your Mental Health During The Holidays
The holiday season can be a wonderful, cheerful and festive time for most, it can also be extremely overwhelming and can take a real toll on our mental health.
It's Not You. Hustle Culture Is The Problem
Hustle Culture suggests that you should work relentlessly and aim to be successful in any way possible, but this mindset can ultimately lead to toxic thoughts.
4 Ways To Simplify Clutter For Your Mental Health
We challenge everyone to stand up to the clutter in their life as we share four ways to simplify your life and declutter your home.
How To Start Living Life With More Intention
Intentionality means slowing down and noticing what feels essential to our care and fully immersing in the experience. How do you live intentionally?
5 Morning Mindfulness Exercises To Start Each Day Fresh
Struggling with productivity or motivation to get out of bed? Try these five simple mindfulness practice tips to increase your mental health and reduce anxiety.
27 Podcasts To Listen To By The Pool This Summer
Podcasts have become the newest way to educate ourselves and expand our minds. Some of us also use them as entertainment or to keep up with current events.